Philipp Luidl [Ed.]: G.G.L.: Günter Gerhard Lange (1983)

The annual gift of the Typographic Society Munich (tgm) was compiled and edited by the then chairman, Philipp Luidl and dedicated to Günter Gerhard Lange. It contains eight contributions by companions, Günter Gerhard Lange’s constructive presentation of the Roman capital font, as well as vital records and font designs.

— Stefan Heym: Type
— Manfred Klein: Gutenberg’s Machine Gun
— Roswitha Quadflig: Through the Glasses of an Offender of the Spirit
— G.W. Ovink: The Artistic Director
— Gabriele Wohmann: Type Views
— Arnold Ihlenfeld: About G.G.L.
— Barbara König: The beautiful Threat of Typography
— Hermann Zapf: The Expert for Quality in Photo Typesetting
— G.G. Lange: The Roman Capital Font, vital records and sundry


Philipp Luidl [Ed.]: G.G.L.: Günter Gerhard Lange. Compiled, edited and dedicated to Günter Gerhard Lange by Philipp Luidl. Munich: Typographische Gesellschaft München, 1983.




15 × 23 cm


Concorde normal, italics and small caps from H. Berthold AG based on designs by Günter Gerhard Lange

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