“Kassandra”, annual present 1959 of the Berliner Bibliophilen Abend (Berlin Bibliophile Evening)

The annual present 1959 of the Berliner Bibliophilen Abend was set and printed in the in-house printshop of the type foundry H. Berthold AG in Berlin on the occasion of Friedrich Schiller’s 200th birthday. The coloured woodcuts are by the German painter and woodcutter Hans Orlowski (1894-1967). As a private document, 180 copies were produced for the Berliner Bibliophilen Abend and a further 250 for the 61st annual meeting of the Gesellschaft der Bibliophilen (Bibliophile Society) as a donation by the Berthold AG. Cover and typography are by Günter Gerhard Lange. “Kassandra” was nominated among the “Most Beautiful German Books” of 1959.

The Berlin Bibliophile Evening
was established as a society of bibliophiles and collectors. The aim of the society is the maintenance and upkeep of good and beautiful books.


Friedrich Schiller: Kassandra. Mit farbigen Holzschnitten von Hans Orlowski. Privatdruck: 180 Stücke für den Berliner Bibliophilen Abend, 250 Stücke für die 61. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft der Bibliophilen in Köln als Stiftung der H. Berthold AG, Berlin, 1959.




21 × 30,2 cm


Hans Orlowski


Günter Gerhard Lange


Brudi-Mediaeval of the H. Berthold AG


Honoured as one of the “Most Beautiful German Books” 1959

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