On 12th April 2001 Günter Gerhard Lange celebrated his 80th birthday. Shortly before his 81st birthday, Yvonne Schwemer-Scheddin sent him birthday wishes in the name of the Typographische Gesellschaft München (tgm), of which the following is an excerpt.
“(…) And if, apart from his types, there is anything else GGL can convey to us, it is this: to critically question oneself, and to put the person and his standard first. This we cannot shout out often enough in these belligerent times. We hope that GGL’s voice will be heard for many years yet by those walking on the path of writing, word and sense. The tgm wishes GGL a long and active time.“
Yvonne Schwemer-Scheddin, vier Seiten, Ausgabe 17, 2002