“Günter Gerhard Lange: Interview” (1998)

In March 1998 the third international Typo Conference takes place in Berlin, staged by FontShop under the motto “type is money”. Speakers are, among others, Jonathan Barnbrook, Just van Rossum, Neville Brody, David Carson, Horst Moser, Roger Pfund, Stefan Rögener, Yvonne Schwemer-Scheddin and Sebastian Turner.

Günter Gerhard Lange presents his lectures “Grids and Rhythms visualised: On Formal Exercises and Visual Horniness” and “FT in B: The unknown Creator of a legendary Typeface”.

The bi-lingual volume “type is money: Typography in Advertising” documents the discussions, interviews the speakers and serves as a determinator of positioning typography in the context of advertising and marketing.

“In my opinion Carson is currently the significant initiator, but I am sure tradition is just as important.”

Günter Gerhard Lange, type is money: Typografie in der Werbung, 1998


“Günter Gerhard Lange: Interview”. In: Jutta Nachtwey [Ed.]: type is money: Typografie in der Werbung. Frankfurt am Main: Verlag Form, 1998. pp.66–67.




18,7 × 23 cm


Ständige Vertretung, Nick Marek Kapica, Berlin / Andrew Lawrence, London


Akzidenz Grotesk BQ

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