Günter Gerhard Lange: “1949–1980 Bedeutung und Image der TGM” (Function and image of the TGM)

In 1980 the Typographic Society Munich (tgm) celebrated its 90th anniversary. The following year, journal Nr. 5/1981 of the Typographische Monatsblätter carried a special publication, dedicated to the tgm.

Günter Gerhard Lange and the tgm
Günter Gerhard Lange was connected with the tgm as a speaker and course instructor: between 1951 and 1994 he gave more than 15 talks. His courses were, e.g. Book Design Today (1973), The Typographic Image (1973, 1983) Typography of the Prospectus (1974) and Advertisement Design (1975). In workshop discussions he talked about two of his role models: “The Late Tschichold” (1993) and Imre Reiner (1994). Together with Philipp Luidl he wrote several tgm publications, among them J.T. Johannes Tschichold … (1976), Paul Renner (1978) and an homage for Georg Trump (1981).

The Typographic Society Munich (tgm)
In 1890 a group of typesetters and printers founded the Typographische Gesellschaft München e.V., tgm for short. Today this the leading European organization for typography in the media industry. The tgm sees itself as an inter-disciplinary expert platform for the areas between content and form, text and image, design and technology. Many renowned personalities in the field have been active in this society either organisational or contentwise, among them Otto Hupp, Anna Simons, Fritz Helmuth Ehmcke, Paul Renner, Georg Trump, Jan Tschichold, Hans Rudolf Bosshard, Olaf Leu, Eckehart Schumacher Gebler and Kurt Weidemann.


Günter Gerhard Lange: “1949–1980. Bedeutung und Image der TGM”. In: Typografische Monatsblätter, Schweizer Grafische Mitteilungen, 100. Jahrgang, Nr. 5. St. Gallen: Zollikofer, September/October 1981. pp.12–17.




23 × 29,6 cm


Philipp Luidl



“[…] One can only say of the TGM, whose policy has been known to the present writer for many years, that its comprehensive training Programme, with courses for all sectors of the printing industry, and its Organization of lectures and symposia with independent and internationally-known experts (who are also paid an acceptable fee), are evidence that its concept of training does more for the f urtherance of learning than could be achieved by any political, national or municipal Organization. […]”

Günter Gerhard Lange, Typografische Monatsblätter Nr. 5/1981

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